Download ULS Driver

The ZIP file you download will probably have a different name as well as the ULS engraver you are using. For this example only, the engraver model is the VL-200 and the ZIP file downloaded is called WinXPVistaVersaLaser Advanced Step 1 – The ZIP file downloaded from the Universal Laser Systems FTP site appears on your. ULS Viewer is a Windows application that provides a simplified view of ULS log files in SharePoint 2013 that supports aggregation, filtering, sorting, highlighting, append, and more. System Requirements. Download ULS - Lexical Analysis tool that packs several tools to help you tokenize the input files that are encoded with ASCII or UTF and mapping them using a number you define.


The FCC issues licenses for use of the nation's airwaves and other purposes. License View API provides snapshots such as the number of licenses across different services, how many licenses different entities have, and how many licenses are up for renewal in the near future. The following APIs represent a step toward reform of our licensing systems and improvement in how the FCC makes licensing information available to the public.


The FCC License View contains licenses that have been granted by the Federal Communications Commission, and is intended solely to demonstrate some of the changes envisioned for the Commission's new Consolidated Licensing System. Users are cautioned that this system does not necessarily constitute the complete record in any particular license and, as such, the FCC makes no representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information maintained in the FCC License View. Users seeking a record of a particular license are urged to utilize the Commission's official databases, such as the Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS), Consolidated Data Base System (CDBS), Experimental Licensing System (ELS), International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) and Universal Licensing System (ULS), instead.
The information contained herein has not been relied upon by the Commission to analyze the competitive marketplace or assessing the spectrum holdings of service providers in any particular geographic area. Furthermore, users should be aware that matters not reflected in the FCC License View may relate to and affect the status of FCC licenses, including spectrum leasing arrangements, transactions pending before the FCC, transactions approved by the FCC but not consummated by applicants, future proceedings before the FCC, or actions in the courts. The FCC License View is also not an endorsement by the FCC of any particular service, technology, product, or service provider, and the FCC makes no representations or warranties about the provision of service on the data included in this database.

Reference Files

Data Dictionary
Read a brief explanation of each field included in the data set. (406 KB)
Sample Data Set
View a small subset of data as an example of the file download layout. (74 KB)
Full Data Set
Download the complete set of data in the License View database. (577 MB)


This API returns high level license information including name, FRN, call sign, category, service, status, expiration date and license id, based on the search criteria passed. The API returns data where the search criteria match a name, FRN, or call sign.
Users seeking a record of a particular license are urged to utilize the Commission's official databases, such as the Universal Licensing System (ULS), International Bureau Filing System (IBFS), Experimental Licensing System (ELS) Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS) and Consolidated Data Base System (CDBS), instead.
API URL[searchValue]
Example Request

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 1)


Valid values: licName (default), frn, callsign, service, status, expdate


Order of returned results.

Valid values: asc (default), desc


Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 100)


Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

The searchValue field is required


The pageNum field must be between 1 and 500,000.


The sortColumn field must be licName, frn, callsign, categoryDesc, serviceDesc, statusDesc, or expiredDate.


The sortOrder field must be either asc or desc.


The pageSize field must be between 1 and 1,000.


The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


No matches found based on search criteria.


This API returns a list of currently known licensee names associated with a common name. This API is currently available for top ten license holders. With no parameters, this API returns list of top ten common names.
Not all license holders are currently associated with a common name. As part of the Spectrum Dashboard, common names were manually identified for licenses in the following bands: 700 MHz, 800 MHz Cellular, Advanced Wireless Service (AWS), Broadband Personal Communications Service (PCS), Broadband Radio Service (BRS) and Educational Broadband Service (EBS), and 2.3 GHz Wireless Communications Service (WCS). Confirmed associations were then mapped to all license data within License View. Currently, less than 10% of all licenses have a confirmed association with a common name. Users seeking a record of a particular license are urged to utilize the Commission's official databases.
Example Request

Number of requested rows.

Valid values: any integer > 0


Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

Active Licenses Identified by Common Name - The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


Active Licenses Identified by Common Name - The limit must be an integer greater than 0.


Total Licensee Names Associated with this Common Name - No matches found.


This API returns the license counts and percent distribution by status. A license falls into one of the following statuses: active, expired, cancelled or terminated.
Example Request

Number of requested rows.

Valid values: any integer > 0


Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

License Status - The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


License Status - The limit must be an integer greater than 0.


License Status - No matches found.


This API returns the counts and percent distribution of active licenses by category. A license falls into only one category.
For general overview purposes, we have associated each radio service with a specific usage category. Categories are based on most common usage by industry and may not reflect the actual use of an individual license. The data dictionary provides a mapping of the radio service to its respective category.
Example Request

Number of requested rows.

Valid values: any integer > 0


Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

Active Licenses by Category - The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


Active Licenses by Category - The limit must be an integer greater than 0.


Active Licenses by Category - No matches found.


This API returns the counts and percent distribution of active licenses by entity type. There are four entity categories: Individual, Business, Government and Other.
Example Request

Number of requested rows.

Valid values: any integer > 0


Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

Active Licenses Identified by Entity Type - The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


Active Licenses Identified by Entity Type - The limit must be an integer greater than 0.


Active Licenses Identified by Entity Type - No matches found.


This API returns the number of licenses up for renewal in a given month. The API returns 12 months worth of data.
Example Request
Uls logging

Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

Licenses To Be Renewed - The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


Licenses To Be Renewed - No matches found.

Uls Viewer 2



This API returns the number of licenses that were issued by the Commission on a yearly basis. The data returned includes the year and the total number of licenses issued.
Example Request

Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP


Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes

Licenses Issued by Year - The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


Licenses Issued by Year - No matches found.

One of the most important tools when working with your laser is the graphics software. Each software package offers different features and ease of use. First, consider what products you will creating on your laser and make sure the software has the necessary features to meet your needs. Most graphics software falls into two categories; vector/line editors, or raster/bitmap graphics editors. Vector editors tend to better for graphic design, plaque layout, text, logos and clip art and technical illustrations.

Note: ULS laser systems are not postscript devices and therefore are not compatible with PostScript fonts. Use True type fonts

ULS Windows Printer Driver will work with a wide variety of Windows based graphic software to create laser jobs through the Windows Print System. Every effort has been made to make the printing process as seamless as possible, however, to get the best results when printing through the ULS Windows Printer Driver, you should be aware of a few general guidelines for all software as well as some specific notes regarding some of the more popular Windows software for printing to the laser system.


Configuring CorelDRAW with the ULS print driver. CorelDRAW 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, X3, X4, X5, X6 and X7 will work with the ULS system with the proper operating systems. Go to for computer specifications for your particular computer. Version 8 & 9 not recommended for XP and 2000, and Version 12 requires XP or 2000.

Note: CorelDRAW products have a color matching feature which interferes with the proper mapping of colors in graphics being printed with colors in the printer driver. Make sure to turn color matching feature off when using CorelDraw.

  • CorelDRAW X8 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW X7 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW X6 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW X5 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW X4 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW X3[PDF]
  • CorelDRAW 12 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW 11 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW 10 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW 9 [PDF]
  • CorelDRAW 8 [PDF]

Color Palette
MDColorPalette [ZIP]



Note: AutoCAD version 2000 is not compatible with ULS laser systems. You must upgrade to version 2000i or higher.

Vector output
Line widths for printing from AutoCAD products are controlled by plot styles. Make sure you set the first eight pens in the plot style you use to .001” (.0254 mm) or less in order to ensure vector objects are output.

Placement of Graphics
The easiest way to control placement of graphics in the processing field when using AutoCAD is to create a non-printing rectangle with a width and height equal to the processing field in your laser system. Then print using the Print Window feature and use the Pick Tool to pick the upper left and lower right corners of the rectangle as the Print Window. You can then treat the upper left corner of the rectangle as the zero-zero point in the processing field and lay out your graphics inside the rectangle as desired. Make sure you print with a 1:1 scale and make the plotter margins zero in the print setup screen. Also make sure plotter offsets are set to zero.

  • AutoCAD 2010-2013 Setup[PDF]
  • AutoCAD 2010 Setup[PDF]
  • AutoCAD 2008 Setup[PDF]
  • Operation Instructions for AutoCAD 2005 Windows 2000/XP-Platforms [PDF]
  • Operation Instructions for AutoCAD 2005 Windows 2000/XP-VersaLaser [PDF]
  • Operation Instructions for AutoCAD 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005 Windows 2000/XP-Platform [PDF]
  • Operation Instructions for AutoCAD 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005 Windows 2000/XP-VersaLaser [PDF]

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator CS or CS2

Illustrator versions CS and CS2 do not properly support non square landscape pages. For this reason, in order to print effectively from these programs you must set up your page size as landscape and make the width and height both equal to the largest dimension of your laser system’s processing field. For example, if your processing field is 24” wide x 12” tall, make the page in Illustrator 24” x 24” landscape. You can then treat the upper left corner of the illustrator page as the zero-zero point in the laser system processing field and only use the upper half of the page in illustrator. Anything in the lower half of the page will not be printed. Also make sure you are using an RGB color palette and the vector line stroke width is set to .001” (.0254 mm) or less.

Adobe Illustrator CS3 and higher

Illustrator versions CS3 and higher treat landscape page sizes correctly, but make sure you select user defined page size at time of printing and make sure the page size in Illustrator matches the page size in the printer driver. Also make sure you are using an RGB color palette and the vector line stroke width is set to .001” (.0254 mm) or less.

  • Adobe Illustrator CS Setup – Page Sizing for Laser Engraving [PDF]
  • Configuring Illustrator CS3 – CS5 with ULS[PDF]
  • Illustrator CS6 Setup and Basic operation for Universal Laser Systems[PDF]
  • Illustrator CC Setup and Basic Operation for Universal Laser Systems [PDF]
  • Illustrator & Photoshop Setup and Basic Operation[PDF]


When using 3D solid modeling software such as Solidworks, you must keep in mind that the laser system is a 2D device, so you must create a 2D drawing view of the object you want to laser process. You cannot print 3D parts and assemblies directly to the laser system.

To control placement of your job on the processing table in the laser system, use a custom page size and make it the same size as your laser system’s material processing area. Make sure to remove any drawing templates and borders from the page or they will print also and be part of your laser job. Once your page size is set, match the material processing area in the laser system. Treat the upper left corner of the page as equivalent to the zero-zero point in the processing field of the laser system. Solidworks does not give you the ability to precisely position sketch elements on the page, so you can use the relocate feature in the UCP to more precisely position your job
once you have printed them.

Download Uls Drivers

Set the thickness for the thin line font in document properties to .001” (.0254 mm) or less to force thin lines to be output as vector objects. Then assign all line segments in the drawing view the thin line font and change colors as necessary to map to colors in the printer driver. If you are using the materials database, driver tab remember that all vector cut objects must be red and all vector mark objects blue.
SPECIAL NOTE: If printing at image density 6 and 7, Solidworks will not print sketch entities assigned the color black as vector objects regardless of line thickness. Avoid the color black if you want a sketch element to print as a vector object at image density 6 and 7. At lower image densities this is not a problem.

Uls Driver Download

ULS Laser Systems Solidworks Vector Path Printing Setup [PDF]