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Associate Professor
University of Limoges

123 avenue Albert Thomas 87060 LIMOGES Cedex FRANCE


Revision History
Revision 1.203/12/2011DS
Change affiliation.
Revision 1.104/01/2004DS
Improve the presentation of the document.
Revision 1.003/10/2003DS
First version.


The installation and the usage of some Smart Card software is a complex job. This document could help you to set up an environment in order to take a good way for the Smart Card's world.

Table of Contents

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PC/SC Lite and drivers
Install of PC/SC Lite
Install of SERIAL readers
Gemplus GCR410
SmartMouse SM1 RS232
Install of USB readers
Generic CCID readers
SCM Microsystems SCR 331
OMNIKEY CardMan 2020
Install of PCMCIA readers
Gemplus GPR400
Install of libusb
Installation of the JDKs
SUN JDK 1.2.2
SUN JDK 1.3.1
IBM JDK 1.3.1
Installation of fonts
Installation of the communication APIs
Installation of the Java Card Development Kits
JCDK 2.1.1
JCDK 2.1.2
JCDK 2.2
Installation of the GemXpresso RAD III kit
Installation of the OpenCard Framework
Installation of the OCF to PC/SC bridge
Installation of JPCSC 0.7.2
Installation of the JCOP 2.1 kit
Installation of the OpenSC
Installation of the Muscle Framework
Muscle Applications
Muscle Plugins

I have written this document in order to share my experience on usage of Smart Card on a Linux environment (Slackware 8.1™). I hope this will help you to cope with the installation and using problems. This document describes the installation of:

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  • PC/SC Lite and some drivers;

  • many Java Development Kits and Java Card Development Kits;

  • OpenCard Framework (OCF), OCF to PC/SC bridge, GemXpresso RAD3;

  • JPCSC library and JCOP Tools.


For many operations you must have the root privileges on the host.

Thanks for all the volunteers who work on the development of PC/SC Lite, free drivers, Muscle, etc. I don't forget all the people who answer on Muscle and other mailing list, newgroups, etc.

Download the last version of PC/SC Lite [PCSCLite].

If you want use USB readers you must use the --enable_libusb. Libusb is a portable API available on many OS for usage of USB. If libusb is not installed on your system, install it.


/usr/local is my path for my libusb install.


The --enable_threadsafe implies to compile the clients of the PC/SC middleware with -lpthread for using the pthread library.

Compile PC/SC Lite.

Get the root privileges and install it.


For security reasons we should create a special account with the good privileges to start the daemon.

You can test:

  • PC/SC Lite installation and the SCard API with the tool testpcsc in src/

  • MuscleCard Framework API with the tool muscletest in src/

Your kernel or one of its module must manage the serial port.

Get the root privileges.

Download the last version of ifd-gempc-x.y.z.tar.gz [RousseauWeb]. Modify the INCS in Makefile with the path where you have installed the PC/SC Lite include files: Add in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:

Download ifd-sm-x.y.z.tar.gz [SauveronWeb] Add in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:

Download towitoko-x.y.z.tar.gz Get the root privileges. Add in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:

Your kernel or one of its module must handle the USB. For me:

Download ccid-x.y.z.tar.gz [PCSCLite]. This driver needs libusb (cf. the libusb section). Get the root privileges.

Plug your reader and get the informations with lsusb-v or cat /proc/bus/usb/devices If you obtain for the SCR331 an idProduct's value equal to 0xe000, you must upgrade the firmware explained in the following procedure. Else if you obtain 0xe001 you must choose to use the generic CCID driver (cf. section Generic CCID readers) or install the SCM driver as described at the end of this section.

Procedure 1. Upgrade the firmware

The firmware in the USB reader can be updated to the latest version, which should work with the GNU/Linux driver on SCM's web site:

  1. Find a windows machine (an unfortunate necessity)

  2. Download and install the windows driver from (Click on the SCR331 PCSC link.) Personally I use SCR331 Installer

  3. Download the program.

  4. Download the new firmware (

  5. Run the USB-FWUpdate program and select the .bin file from the firmware package.

  6. Now the USB reader should be upgraded to the CCID version.

  7. Throw your windows system away and plug the reader into your GNU/Linux box. Now lsusb-v or cat /proc/bus/usb/devices shall give an idProduct set up at 0xe001.

Install the GNU/Linux driver from On my Slackware, I converted the rpm to a tgz file using rpm2tgz Get the root privileges and move the driver to /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/

Download towitoko-x.y.z.tar.gz Get the root privileges.

Get the root privileges.

1) Installation of the module for the pcmcia card GRP400: This is necessary to handle the PCMCIA. Download the sources of the pcmcia-cs [PCMCIA-CS] Download the module for the GPR400 [????] Following the README of gpr400_cs-0.9.6.tar.gz i.e: Change the value of #define PCMCIA_DEBUG from 1 to 0 in the gpr400_cs.c Get the root privileges. 2) Installation of the GPR400 PC/SC driver: Download the source ifd-gpr400-0.3.tar.gz [????] Get the root privileges. Add at the beginning of the CFLAGS -I/usr/local/pcsc/include in the Makefile Comment in the pcscdefines.h file the following lines: Copy ifdhandler.h from ifd-devkit-1.0.0.tar.gz or from an old version of pcsc-lite (for instance 1.0.1) in the directory. make Add in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:


I have submitted a modified version of this driver to Joe Phillips.


Download libusb-0.1.7.tar.gz [LibUSB]. Get the root privileges.

Download the JDKs.


Do some scripts to set up the environment.

Get the root privileges.

Get the root privileges.

Get the root privileges.

For the SUN JDK 1.2.2 and the SUN JDK 1.3.1 Download symbol.ttf Get the root privileges. Add to the file $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/fonts/fonts.dir the following line symbol.ttf -urw-symbol-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific and modify the number of fonts at the beginning of the file (adding 1).

Get on the Gemplus CD of GemXPresso RADIII the linux_commapi_conf.tar Get the root privileges. * For the SUN JDK * For the IBM JDK


For using the serial port the user must have the rights rw on it. As root do root% chmod 666 /dev/ttyS?

Download the JCDKs. Get the root privileges.


Do some scripts to set up the environment.

The install does not work with the JDK 1.2.2 Get the root privileges mount the 'cdrom' with the GemXPresso RAD III CD. cd 'cdrom'/Unix I have chosen to install the different components in /opt/gemxpresso.rad3/ To install the RAD III: To install the card profiles: To install the crypto: To install the OpenCard Framework: If needed modify the JAVA_HOME in /opt/gemxpresso.rad3/bin/ For using the GemXpresso RAD III with bash:

  • if you wish using the communication APIs installed by yourself do

  • if you choose to use the APIs installed by the kit do

Do some scripts to set up the environment. Put the rights rw on the device's filename of the OCF reader.


For using PC/SC with the OCF to PCSC bridge, it is not necessary to have the rights on the device because the pcscd daemon runs with the rights allowing the access.

I have chosen to use my readers on PC/SC and an OCF to PC/SC brigde because most of my readers work with PC/SC and only one with OCF (the GCR410).

The installOCF.class provided by [OCF] does not work on my Linux. Get the root privileges. Create a file in the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ Do some scripts to set up the environment (put the .jar in the CLASSPATH)

Download OCFPCSC1-0.0.1.tar.gz [MUSCLE]. Contrary to this is written in the documentation it is possible to have more than one reader in the /etc/readers.conf Modify the Makefile Get the root privileges. For using the bridge, put in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH Modify the files involved with the line: In order to using the readers with the GemXpresso RAD III and the OCF to PC/SC brigde put in the file in the directory /opt/gemxpresso.rad3/conf: Modify the CLASSPATH in the file /opt/gemxpresso.rad3/bin/ in the way that follows:

Get the root privileges. If the line '/usr/local/pcsc/lib' doesn't exist in /etc/ add it. For using it, put jpcsc.jar in CLASSPATH et in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Get the root privileges. Do some scripts to set up the environment. For using the examples the user must copy them in an own directory.

Download opensc-x.y.z.tar.gz [OpenSC].



Download the last version of muscleTools. Modify the Makefile with the good paths for the library and the include files related to musclecard. For me as: Get the root privileges.

Download the last version of XCardII. Modify the Makefile with the good paths for the library and the include files related to qt, musclecard and pthread. Get the root privileges.

The plugin are used by the muscle framework to manage the different cards. For example the MCardPlugin is used to handle a Java Card using the MCardApplet and the CFlexPlugin is used for the Cryptoflex card.

Download the last version of MCardPlugin. Get the root privileges.


root% make install is useless.

1. What are the informations needed to obtain a quick and efficient response for a post on the mailing list?
2. Why does pcsc-lite fail to communicate with the serial port?

What are the informations needed to obtain a quick and efficient response for a post on the mailing list?

Join the informations about your hardware and software system:

  • OS: uname -a

  • version of PC/SC Lite

  • readers used

  • version of the drivers used

  • cards used

  • softwares used

Join also the logs obtained with: pcscd --apdu --foreground

Why does pcsc-lite fail to communicate with the serial port?

Be sure that /dev/pcsc/1 is a link to /dev/ttyS0 and not to /dev/ttys0.

[PCSCLite] PC/SC Lite.

[SauveronWeb] Driver for SM1.

[RousseauWeb] GemCore based PC/SC reader drivers.

[JPC/SC] The JPC/SC specifications and driver.

[OCF] OpenCard Framework.

[PCSCSpec] PC/SC Specifications.

[CCIDSpec] Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices (CCID).

[LibUSB] The libusb project home.

[PCMCIA-CS] Linux PCMCIA Information Page.

[JavaCardSpec] Java Card™ 2.2 Specifications. Sun microsystems.

[OpenCT] OpenCT.

Source download

Get released/stable versions

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Go in the Download section. I provide .tar.bz2 archives ready to be built using:

Towitoko Driver Download

The latest README is at

Get the current source code from git

If you are a C-language developper (or you know what you are doing), you can also access the git developement version. You may need to use the git version to support the latest added readers.

Main CCID/ICCD features supported

  • Exchange levels
    • short APDU
    • extended APDU (with some limitations and lack of support from PC/SC)
    • TPDU
    • character
  • card protocols
    • T=0
    • T=1
  • Protocol Parameter Selection (PPS)
    • negociation made by the driver if needed
    • highest card/reader communication speed selected
    • specific mode supported
  • multi-slot readers
  • composite CCID devices
  • PC/SC v2 part 10 features:
    • secure PIN verify (FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_DIRECT)
    • modify PIN entry (FEATURE_MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT)
    • reader PIN properties (FEATURE_IFD_PIN_PROPERTIES)
    • Multifunctional Card Terminal reader direct (FEATURE_MCT_READER_DIRECT)
    • retrieve reader properties in TLV form (FEATURE_GET_TLV_PROPERTIES)
      • bMinPINSize and bMaxPINSize: How to know the PIN sizes supported by a pinpad reader?
      • sFirmwareID
      • bTimeOut2
      • wLcdMaxCharacters and wLcdMaxLines
      • wLcdLayout
    • send CCID escape commands (FEATURE_CCID_ESC_COMMAND)
  • Data rates list
  • Localize LCD display messages (Gemalto GemPC PIN PAD, Covadis Véga-Alpha)
  • Extended APDU (for T=1 cards only and if your reader is in TPDU mode or extended APDU mode. For T=0 cards this is managed by the application itself.)
  • SCardGetAttrib() attributes
  • ICCD versions A and B
  • RAM consumption efficiency for embedded systems using --enable-embedded

CCID features not yet supported

  • Manage suspend/resume (for example in a laptop)
  • Reader clock frequency change

Contact me if you want to see the support of the above not yet supported features and you have a budget.

Non CCID features that I do not plan to support

  • read/write on memory cards

In fact I may implement one of these features if you have a budget.

How to get support

If you have a problem and want to get support from me you shall include the following information:


  • CCID driver version
  • pcsc-lite version
  • the output of the command '/usr/sbin/pcscd --version'


  • Operating system or GNU/Linux distribution name and version
  • Hardware details: Standard compatible PC, special board, Raspberry Pi, etc.
  • Smart card middleware name and version
  • Smart card reader manufacturer name and reader model name
  • Smart card name


Then you shall generate a complete log (do not truncate it).

  • If you need to enter the smart card PIN to reproduce the problem then consider changing your PIN before generating the logs as the PIN value will be included in the logs.
  • Kill any running pcscd process
  • (re)start pcscd exactly as described bellow:
  • Stop pcscd (using Control-C) after the problem occured and send me the generated log.txt file

gdb backtrace

If you experience a crash of pcscd it is useful for me to have a backtrace.

Then copy/paste the complete output in your bug report.

Mailing list

If you have general questions or bug reports you should use the Pcsclite-muscle mailing list.

First search the mailing list archives. Maybe your probem has already been reported and solved. If you have not found a solution then subscribe to the Pcsclite-muscle mailing list and send your request to

Check reader's compliance to CCID specification

To know if a smart card reader is CCID compliant and should be supported by this driver but is not listed bellow

Just get the source code of this driver, install the build dependencies (see Build-Depends: for Debian systems) and do:

and send me ( the generated output.txt file.

If your reader is CCID compliant and you would like to add it to the list of readers I would also need:

  • The URL of a web page describing the reader. Typically the web page of the reader description on the manufacturer web site.
  • A picture of the reader. In general a picture is already available on the manufacturer web page described above.

CCID/ICCD readers

  • Supported readers
  • Should work readers
  • Unsupported readers
  • Disabled readers

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All the readers are also included in a big matrix.

Reader selection

You can use an interactive reader selection tool at: Reader selection.

See Reader Selection: find the smart card reader you search for a presentation of the tool.


The main author is Ludovic Rousseau <>.

I reused source code from other free software projects whose authors are:

  • Carlos Prados for the PPS and ATR parsing code (taken from his towitoto driver) in towitoko/ directory.
  • Olaf Kirch for the T=1 TPDU code (from the OpenCT package) in openct/ directory. I (Ludovic Rousseau) greatly improved this code.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

The complete licence is available at GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1

Supported Operating Systems


GNU/Linux using libusb 1.0.x and later

Mac OS X

Apple includes my CCID driver (version 1.3.8, released in June 2008) since Leopard 10.5.6. See the mail from Shawn Geddis to have a list of changes.

See the evolutions of the CCID driver in Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), Mavericks (10.9), Yosemite (10.10), El Capitan (10.11), Sierra (10.12), High Sierra.

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Snow Leopard (10.6.x) and later

Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and later are supported without patches. To build the driver you need to extract the archive and do:

Leopard (10.5)

Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) is supported with a simple patch. To build the driver you need to extract the archive and do:

NOTE: The execution of ./MacOSX/configure will fail if you have a space character in your current working directory pathname.

NOTE: Apple's version of pcsc-lite installed with Leopard has many bugs and problems.

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Tiger (10.4)


Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) uses an old pcsc-lite with some problems:

  • A missing call to IFDHSetProtocolParameters() so the reader is not configured correctly regarding to the card ATR.
  • A wrong API for SCardControl() so you can't use a pin pad reader or any other feature provided by SCardControl().
  • No way to generate a cold reset. Only a warm reset is possible. Uncomment the line #CFLAGS='$CFLAGS -DFAKE_CARD_CHANGED' in MacOSX/configure to fake a card movement after a reset to simulate a cold reset. Note that SCardReconnect() will then fail with SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD.

You can use this (now unmaintained) patch.


The driver should work on Solaris.

I can't test is myself so patches are welcome if needed.

You can find a PC/SC-lite package form Oracle.


The driver is available in the freshport.

NetBSD (pkgsrc)

The driver is available in pkgsrc as security/ccid.

Other operating systems

It may or may not work.

Towitoko Driver Download

Available binaries

The drivers are also available as packages libccid